Saturday, March 6, 2010

postheadericon Trophy Ridge Outfitters

Beautiful day here in Southwestern NM. There are a few of the big bull elk dropping their antlers. You can look at new hunt dates for the upcomming 2010 hunting season at
Friday, March 5, 2010

postheadericon Big Game Drawing For Oryx

On March 10, 2010 the big game drawing results for Oryx will be available. Just a reminder for everyone the deadline to apply for elk, mule deer, and antelope is April 7, 2010.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

postheadericon Roger's Muley

Roger killed this gorgeous 186 buck in northern New Mexico.

postheadericon 32 inch buck

Sherman Wyman killed this monster muley in northern New Mexico!

postheadericon Big Antelope Buck by Chad

This is Chad's story about his record book antelope. We hope all our readers enjoy. Congratulations Chad on your great success!On the trail of a record book antelope...

August 3th 2005, and we were just finding our way into Clayton, New Mexico at around midnight after 17 long hours on the road. In 2 days antelope season would open for disabled hunters, and I was lucky enough to draw a tag for the 3rd time in 7 years. I was as excited as ever, even though I knew I wouldn't be hunting in country that produced the really big bucks that New Mexico is known for. But that's not what I was going for anyway. I just love to get out there in that beautifully vast open country, making new friends and finding a good buck to try to get close to. Needless to say, I did all three again this year.August 4th - After a full day of scouting with my dad and our friend Bert, we located 3 or 4 nice goats that I wanted my guides to look at the next day when they came in. Since I haven't been around antelope that much, I don't know how to judge them that well (yet).This was my first time scouting on my own and I loved it. It really does teach you a lot about the animals you're going after and how to be a better hunter. With antelope, the scenery is spectacular.August 5th - We scouted in the morning near Clayton so we could come in for lunch and hook up with my guides Audrey and Roger ofTrophy Ridge Outfitting. They were great and as soon as I met them I knew we were going to have a ball chasing these goats around in the morning.That afternoon we (Audrey, Roger & I) spotted 3 bucks that were really nice. Ones that we would go for tomorrow. That's when it happened. Just before leaving the area, I stopped roger so I could glass this goat that I saw about 500 yards off. It was a lonely old doe, but not 100 yards from her stood a monster goat. Roger found him and was amazed at his size. "There's your book buck," he leaned over and said, which sent chills down my bones. I wasn't expecting to hear that on this year's hunt.August 6th - 7:00 a.m. - We arrived at the same place we last left the giant goat. All 5 of us were in one truck and all 5 were gazing out across 5 miles of grassland looking for the same thing, a bright orange body. But he wasn't there. It was partly cloudy and clear and the dawning sun cast an orangey glow on everything we could see. Suddenly there were 8 antelope down the road in 2 little groups. Allbucks, but all little bucks save for 1. There was a nice goat in the herd that I put my scope on to get a better look. He had about 15" horns, high cutters, and was a beautiful goat. Of course there was no way I was going to shoot him. I'd seen way to much for that. I mainly wanted to get my gun up and get a feel for the shot I might have to take later. 10 minutes later we found a little 2 track road about a mile from where he was when we left him. We eased over and there he stood big & proud down in the valley. What a magnificent goat. He was 300 yards and I could've taken a crack at him right there. The 2 doe's he was with took off down the fence and he fell in right behind. We drove down to the gap below and got through it as fast as we could. Meanwhile the does and buck stopped 400 yards off when they reached the fence. Both girls went under and took off to our left, but the big boy couldn't get his rack under the bottom wire, and antelope do not like to jump fences. Roger slowly mashed the gas pedal and we rolled up along-side of him in what seemed like excruciating minutes. Luckily, he tried to cross again, and in a spot where we could get him between the road and the fence. By the grace of God and a smart guide, we would have him cut off in a few seconds. Just then, he turned to head back to look back to where he'd come from (the great wide open). I had a shot. Roger pushed the brake and turned a little so I could shoot. Instantly, the monster goat wheeled and started down the fence to get away. I lined him up in the scope and saw nothing but butt and hooves running away. I tried to get lucky and pulled off at his head. The shot rang out and dusted up the ground in front of him. And as I looked down to make sure I got another shell in the gun, what I saw next is still hard for me to believe. The monster goat was slowing down and stopped dead broadside at 150 yards away, pretty as a picture. Trying not to panic, I dropped my cross hairs deep into his shoulder and pulled again. And just like that, it was over. I had my first book buck.Words will never capture what it was like to spot, stalk and take thistremendous animal. I'd always imagined what it would be like to roll up on a record-book trophy and it's a feeling i'll remember forever. He green scores 93, gross. The world record antelope stands at 95
by: Chad Waligura

This is Audrey's twin brother, Boyd, he loves to hunt and this is him with one of his many bucks.

postheadericon Nice Archery Bull

This is our good friend, Sherman Wyman. He killed this big 5x5 this year during archery season. He has been hunting with us for sometime and we always get some good laughs when he is in camp.

postheadericon Audrey's 371 Bull

Audrey killed this gorgeous bull in late November of 2007. What a trophy!

postheadericon Daryll Lyness Oryx

Daryll killed this beautiful oryx in the white sands of New Mexico and we had a great time.

postheadericon David Grisar Oryx

David killed this oryx on the white sands missle range in southern New Mexico.

postheadericon Ken Seaman

This was Ken Seaman's first New Mexico buck scoring 184.

postheadericon Collier's first elk hunt

As you can see, this is a gorgeous bull killed by 13 year old, Collier Campbell. So exciting! His dad has been hunting with us for a long time now and they are a great family so we were all thrilled to see him kill this bull.

postheadericon Willie Recksieck

This was Willie's first muzzleloader elk hunt and he killed it on the first day! He is a great guy and we always enjoy having him. Congratulations Willie!

About Me
Trophy Ridge Outfitters
Hello friends, we have put this blog together to share some of the exciting and great times that we experience during hunting season! Thanks for visiting
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